Monday, February 22, 2010

Employment History

Dr. Irving Engelson, Candidate for IEEE Division I Director
“The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the IEEE”

Summary of Dr. Irving Engelson’s Major Employment History

(Does not include several junior engineering positions, and volunteer and non remunerative concurrent appointments)

8 years -- Radio Corporation of America

Various technical assignments and management positions at the Director’s level

5 Years -- Trenton Jr College, Trenton NJ

Associate Professor and EE Department Chair
• Developed the EE Curriculum and new Laboratory
• Received an NSF Grant and established a hybrid computational Laboratory
• Co-coordinator with colleague from Princeton University of a major joint College-University Grant from the National Humanities Foundation on a science-humanities project.

2 years – New Jersey Neuro-psychiatric Institute – Princeton, NJ

• Conducted research on brain electrical activity and cybernetics
• Designed and built ESAC – A solid-state Electro-encephalographic Statistical Analyzing Computer – which Engelson used to analyze the EEG under various natural, spontaneous and drug-induced states. These studies identified the differential criteria between spontaneous arousal and amphetamine arousal, and other significant findings. The Engelson findings were later taught at the NJ Medical School by the late professor Dr. Leonid Goldstein and others.

9 years – University teaching and administration

Newark College of Engineering/New Jersey Institute of Technology, also know as NCE-NJIT:

• Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Founding Dean of degree programs in its Division of Technology.
• Member of Institutional Name Change Committee from NCE to NJIT

University of Nebraska:

• University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL) Professor of Electrical Engineering and Associate Dean of the College of Engineering and Technology
• (Concurrent with above) Dean, College of Engineering and Technology University of Nebraska – Omaha (UNO). Managed all undergraduate and graduate programs and engineering faculties.

18 years – Institute of electrical and Electronics Engineers – IEEE

Staff Director for Technical Activities, and Managing Director for Corporate Activities

Engelson retired from IEEE in 1996. He was honored for his many achievements in his IEEE positions, and now continues making contributions in a volunteer capacity. He now heads Isinglee Associates, a consulting strategic planning activity for non-profit organizations. His services were used by both nonprofit and for profit clients.