Monday, February 22, 2010

What they said about me - some quotes

Dr. Irving Engelson, Candidate for IEEE Division I Director
“The opinions expressed on this website are the opinions of the author and not necessarily the opinions of the IEEE”

(All quotes are available in writing if any one is challenged)

“Much of great value within the core of IEEE derives from your intellectual acumen, your visionary ideas, your capacity for getting things done, your dedication to excellence, and your love of engineering.”

Joseph Bordogna
(Past) Deputy Director, NSF
1998 IEEE President

“You have the uncanny ability of getting the most and the best out of IEEE volunteers. You are able to recognize talent; you are able to identify critical IEEE needs;”

Jim Tien
Past SMCS President, and RPI Professor
(Now) Distinguished Professor and Dean
College of Engineering, University of Miami, FL


“Your careful attention to detail and enthusiasm to meet milestones and attain targeted goals have proven to be qualities that led to great success within IEEE”

H. Troy Nagle
1994 IEEE President

“You really are one of the brightest people I know with a heart to match! I am truly honored to be able to call you, ‘friend!’”

Charles K. Alexander
1997 IEEE President (NB – Irv Engelson was his formal Presidential Advisor)